Surrounded by Favor

For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield  (Ps. 5:12 KJV)

Surrounded by favor

The Lord will surround the righteous with favor as with a shield. What a divine privilege we have in Christ! This was a prophetic picture of what Ephesians 1:6 describes:

“To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved” (Eph. 1:6 KJV).

The word “accepted” in Eph. 1:6  above is translated from the Greek word “charitoo” which is not about acceptance here but in reference to  God pouring out favor upon those who are in Christ. It essentially means “to grace”, or bestow an abundance of favor on someone. This is the default position of the believer in Christ.

The “righteous” in Ps. 5:12 above are not those who do righteous things. They are those who  “receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness.. ” (Rom. 5:17 KJV). God’s grace furnishes righteousness as a gift. It creates the righteous from sinners. God’s grace, and His gifts by grace cannot be earned by our efforts.

The same favor that brought the gift of righteousness is there to operate in your daily Christian life, finances, health, family and every single sphere of your life. There is a shield of favor that surrounds you. Divine favor is not a doctrine for you to believe and feel good about yourself. It is an experience of God’s goodness. Know, believe and experience it!


Declare that “I am surrounded with divine favor and therefore everything that concerns me has the hand of God working in my favor.”


I will always remind you. Revelation and faith stand between you and the experience of your blessings in Christ. The devotional above is not to  “inspire you” in some way. It is a divine mirror to show you what you are in Christ so that you can make it a reality in your life. Put it to work!


Bless the Lord for His marvelous grace brought to us by Jesus Christ.

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