Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us (Ephesians 3:20 KJV)

Paul describes the Lord’s abilities to meet our needs in the most extraordinary and astonishing way. You can rest confident in your Saviour. You are in good Hands. He is able. Paul uses two interesting words in the Greek to describe the ability of our Lord.

First, the Lord is able to do “above all”. This means beyond our needs. Whatever we ask or need, He is not only able to meet those needs but His abilities are beyond the limits of our needs. The second word used is a complex compound word translated as “exceeding abundantly”. It means God is not only able to go beyond our needs, but He can go infinitely beyond. This means His ability does not only go one or two step above our needs. It goes infinitely, meaning, it does not even have an end! What a God we have!

The glorious descriptions above are talking about God’s ability. There is a spiritual gap between that ability and your enjoyment of your needs met. That ability has to work in you, in other words, it has to operate in and through you. In simple terms, it does not depend on God’s ability but on you and me, how much we allow ourselves to live by the Holy Spirit.


I want you to think about the two descriptors above “beyond” and “infinitely” and picture it as I have attempted to describe above. Please think on this verse and say it out loud to yourself.


God is more than able, and we have to cooperate. Yes, you can see that power, but you have to yield to the Spirit, believe, walk in the Word, etc. Do not settle for less. The beauty of Christianity is in your intimacy and fellowship with the Spirit.


Ask the Father to bring you into the place of enjoying “exceeding abundantly”!

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