Abundantly Satisfied with the fatness of God’s House

They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house; And thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures (Psalm 36:8 KJV)

Abundantly satisfied showing a table of sandwich

Imagine you were invited to the mansion of an extremely wealthy family to have a meal with them. You get to the Table and  your eyes saw all that a human being could ever wish to see on a buffet  table. That is the imagery the Psalmist uses above to describe a believer in God’s house and partaking of His Table. Do you know that God has a Table prepared for His children, with delicious food and drink? ( Ps 23:5).

Deshen is the Hebrew word translated “fatness” in the verse above. It essentially means quality and abundant food and drink. God wants you to be “abundantly satisfied” with the fatness of His House when you sit at Table to dine with your Father. What does this mean?

The word “satisfied” describes the state of being filled, that is, your hunger or thirst has been satiated and you are full, calm, happy and at rest! We become agitated and restless when our needs are not met.  Spiritually, it describes the state in which God supplies and abundantly provides to meet ALL our needs, superficial and deep, spiritual and physical. For example, a sick person needs healing, and when God heals them, He has “satisfied” that need. I want you to think of Adam and Eve in Eden. There was nothing like hunger, insecurity, spiritual emptiness, depression, anxiety, shame, guilt, marital problems, etc. In the Garden, there was a river that abundantly supplied and met all their needs over and beyond.

God abundantly satisfies us with the delicious food of His House. His Food is His Word! Did you catch that? God has a Table for us to abundantly satisfy us and that Table is what you carry every day, the Word of God in the scriptures. I encourage you to make up your mind to sit daily at Daddy’s Table, eat that Word and pull from it your inheritance so that your life will overflow with heavenly provisions of spiritual fullness, healing,  financial abundance, protection, etc. Beloved of the Lord, you need not to run after any man or cry and beg or chase breakthroughs. The Lord is telling you there is a Table set before you, even  in the presence of your enemies,  for those who will dare to sit, eat and be abundantly satisfied.


What is the meaning of “abundantly satisfied,” as noted above? 


It is so sad the average believer does not yet recognize what the Bible is to them. The day your eyes will open that the Bible is not merely some divine guide or manual of life but your very life, then you will give it the attention it deserves. The Lord help you to “attend unto My words and include your ears to My sayings( Prov 4:20).


Ask the Father to help you start seeing the Word as His divine agent to meet every need in your life. 

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