Grace at Work in You

 Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power (Eph. 3:7 KJV)

Grace is God's power showing a butterfly

Grace is indeed God’s unmerited favor revealed and manifested to us in Christ. However, this grace is manifested and expressed in us in many ways. One such means is described  in Eph. 3:7 above. Grace is God’s power at work in us. It is not merely some biblical truth or doctrine. It is power at work in the believer to be and do all that God has called us to be and do.

Grace empowers us to live a holy and righteous life before God. It is one thing to know that God has forgiven you in Christ. It is another to have the power to live above sin. Grace provides both. It comes with the astounding revelation that Jesus was punished for our sins. However wonderful this insight is, it does not end there. Grace makes it a reality in our lives. 

Everyone can claim a revelation of grace. However,  the proof of the authenticity of this revelation is the fruit that will follow. A life that is still under the control of sin is one of the highest evidence you can ever have that an individual does not yet know grace. Your knowledge of grace will unleash an effectual working of His power inside of you. This is grace. It the power of the Holy Spirit working  God’s good pleasure in you.


What was the power of God making Paul to do from the verse above? Declare that “ Grace is working effectually in me to strengthen me to live and serve God fully beyond my natural abilities.”


Knowing grace is wonderful. Experiencing grace is glorious. Step further. Allow grace is to be fully expressed in you. Gods grace will furnish the power you need to live the Christian life and do whatever He has called you to do.


Thank the Lord for His marvelous grace given to us in Christ. 

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