How does God bless us in the things we do?
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion… (Gen. 1:28 KJV)
How does God bless us? Can we know it? Yes, we can! It is important to understand how the blessing of the Lord works so we can fully cooperate with Him. The blessing can be compared to water softening a dry desert land so it will be productive and fertile! It manifests in our lives in different ways, including spiritual and physical virtues.
Our devotional text above teaches us how God blessed Adam and Eve with a physical blessing on the earth. But how did He do it? What did He do? Did He stretch forth His hands and put it on their heads? Or was there some blessing ritual He performed? The first part of the verse says “And God blessed them, and God said unto them”. God blessed Adam and Eve by speaking to them! There was no ritual, special ceremony, or laying on of hands. He spoke to them. The Word of the Lord, which releases the living waters of the Spirit, IS THE BLESSING OF GOD. As a matter of fact, the Greek word for “to bless” is “eulogeo” which essentially means to speak well of someone. God blesses by sending His Word. His Word has already gone forth to us saying He “hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (Eph. 1:3).
Think on the verse above, and let this truth sink into your spirit. Mutter the word that “God has said that I am blessed in Christ”.
Thank the Lord for the blessing we have in Christ. Pray that the Spirit of God will help you realize that the blessing is in the Word of God already spoken to you.
The first direct application of this devotional is that we should STOP all attempts to “make God bless us”. It is wasted spiritual effort. If God has already spoken well of us in Christ, there is no other blessing we could ever earn or need. The Lord wants us to learn how to put the blessing to work. His blessing is ACTIVATED BY DOING His Word (Jos. 1:8, Ps. 1:2-3, James 1:25). This is what we should be concerned about. Looking to activate the blessing in your finances? What has God said you should do? Go in search of it in the Word and commit yourself to doing it! Meditation in the Word makes it take deeper roots in your life, so you when you act, it is out of faith and not just mechanical obedience. Remember that the Word is the blessing, so it is a response or an action prompted by the Word that commands the blessing.
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