By His Stripes We Are Healed

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed (Isa. 53:5 KJV).

by his stripes we are healed

Jesus’ crucifixion fulfilled the prophesy “by His stripes we are healed”. We are healed of all diseases of the spirit, soul, and body. The word “stripes” refers to the blows, bruises, and lacerations that were inflicted on Jesus’ body. When the soldiers wounded, mutilated, and tortured Jesus’ body, He paid the full price for our sins, and for the availability of our total healing. The middle portion of today’s verse, “the chastisement of our peace”, refers to the price of our sins and healing. For us to be whole, Somebody’s body had to be broken. We are blessed, because when Jesus became the Lamb in our place, His body was broken, and His blood was shed, to pay for our iniquities.

Some scholars believe this healing refers exclusively to spiritual healing; however, in the book of Mathew, we can clearly see that physical healing is included as well. Mathew 8:16-17 references Isaiah 53:4. Since Isaiah 53:4, and today’s scripture, Isaiah 53:5, fall together in context, we know the healing refers to the entire man- spirit, soul, and body. While we cannot naturally see the degrading effects sin has on our spirit, the devastating result is disease in the body. We can plainly see that the diseases from sin are plaguing humanity.

The same wounds, bruises, and stripes that purchased forgiveness of our sins, also purchased healing for our bodies. The Psalmist said “Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases” (Ps. 103:3 KJV). The same wounds paid it all. It is finished. Sin is paid, and physical healing is provided.


What is the ultimate origin of disease in the human body? Was there sickness in the Garden of Eden, before Adam fell into sin?


Do you believe that Christ took your sins upon Himself? Then begin to see disease in the same way. Study and ponder on the relationship between Mathew 8:16-17 and Isaiah 53:4-5.


Thank the Lord for carrying your sins and your diseases. Praise Him for bringing healing for your body today.

Recommended Read: Staying healthy in your spirit, soul, and body

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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