From Sorrow to Joy

“As the days wherein the Jews rested from their enemies, and the month which was turned unto them from sorrow to joy, and from mourning into a good day: that they should make them days of feasting and joy, and of sending portions one to another, and gifts to the poor.” (Est. 9:22.)

From sorrow to joy-daily devotional
Make the shift from any sorrow to joy in the Lord!

Haman’s plan to terminate the Jews had just been thwarted by God and turned around for the good of the Jews. The day that was dreaded, and meant to be a day of deep sorrow, was turned around to become a day of rejoicing and feasting. Only God does things like this. When you go against God’s people, you are looking for trouble for yourself. This is true for the nation of Israel that still stands today, and is also true for your own life as a child of God.

God takes delight in bringing salvation and deliverance to His people. He wants to turn every sorrow into joy. Jesus said that when you ask from the Father, He will give it to you so that your joy might be full. That means there is a fullness of joy that is expressed when our captivity is turned around.

When a miracle occurs and someone’s body is healed, joy is full in the house. God knows that when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life. He wants to turn around every captivity in our bodies, ministries, families, etc., to cause a shift from sorrow to joy in His people. As a believer, you should not wait until you see the miracle before you start rejoicing. His commandment is to rejoice always!


Is it possible for your circumstance to turn from one of mourning to that of joy?


Your turn-go ahead and do something that expresses your joy all day long!


Thank the Lord for His ability to turn your situation around for your good. Ask that the Holy Spirit will assist you to maintain your joy throughout your transition from  sorrow to joy.

Recommended Read: What are showers of blessing?

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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