You are ordained to be fruitful
You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit.. (Jn. 15:16 NAS)
What a thought, that we have been chosen and ordained by God to be fruitful! God has ordained every believer in Christ to be able to produce fruits in everything they do. The word “to ordain” means  “to appoint”  or “to place” in a position to be productive.
That means bearing fruit requires spiritual empowerment. Ordination is endowment with spiritual ability to do what you are ordained to do. Galatians 5: 21-22 gives us an excellent list of spiritual fruit “but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control “. You are ordained to show love. You are ordained to be kind, good and faithful. This is not all of it! God did not ordain you to be spiritually fruitful and left you socially or financially handicapped. You are ordained to prosper in everything your hand touches. You are ordained to walk in health. You are ordained for all-around fruitfulness.  Fruitfulness is not a mental assertion but a spiritual endowment for you to function. Be fruitful in everything you do today.
Ponder upon the words of the verse above. Â Think with the Spirit and allow Him to show you where you are bearing fruit and where you are not experiencing fruitfulness in your life.
Ask the Father to prune off every weight that is hindering you from being fruitful in your relationships, finances, ministers, etc.
Make a decision today not to be spiritual active but barren. God wants fruits, not spiritual activity. Let your life be a fruitful tree of righteousness, the planting of the Lord today.
Recommend Read: Do You Love Your Neighbor?
Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?
Free Mini E-book: From Spiritual Dryness to Flourishing