Fight the Good Fight of Faith
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses (1 Timothy 6:12 KJV)
Spiritual warfare is a household word in Christianity. However, Paul gives our warfare a fascinating twist here—he did not only call it a good fight, but he adds that the fight is of faith. What does this mean?
As believers, we are engaged in countless battles against various enemies that manifest in different ways. Ephesians 6:12 says the real enemies of Christ, Christians, and God’s purposes on the earth are not human beings but Satan and his hosts of angelic powers of different ranks. However, these hosts of demonic powers operate in various forms through people and circumstances to oppose and resist Christ in us.
We fight against sin, resist temptations, stand up to depression or fear, and constantly battle the world’s pressures. Ministers face countless oppositions to ministry from people, sometimes including other Christians. Some believers have an age-old battle with addictions or pornography they have to overcome. Men are bombarded daily with images to provoke sexual lust, while women face an endless stream of sexual pressures from men. Some Christians battle witchcraft and occultic operations of various kinds. The list continues. Anyone who dares to live a holy or righteous life or seeks to foster the cause of God is a target for the enemy. We do not choose to engage in battle with the enemy as Christians. We are born into battle as children of God; we are born into spiritual warfare.
Our warfare is a good fight. There is a bad fight and a good one. Instead of quarreling with a co-worker and disrupting the workplace( a bad fight), we could rather fight to promote peace, forgiveness, and love. Anyone in a family meeting can start some trouble, but unity and peace demand fighting the good fight. It is a good thing in the sight of God to maintain peace and joy in our hearts (1 Pet. 3:4). So fight for your joy. Fight for your peace. Fight for holiness and righteousness. Fight for the Gospel so sinners will be saved, and the Church will be built. These things are good and acceptable in the sight of God.
Our spiritual battles are not only the good fight, but they are the fight of faith. You will need faith to resist the enemy and remain standing on your feet. Furthermore, the enemy is also after your faith. If he succeeds in making you believe God does not love you, or He is angry with you, or that all hope is gone, the battle is almost lost. However, the enemy knows he cannot stand a chance if you stand in faith despite the opposition, rejection, conflict, and resistance. He hates those who stand in faith and refuse to quit but delights in those who collapse in the face of slight opposition. The fight of faith also involves protecting and preserving the sanctity of the faith, especially by guarding the scriptures upon which our faith is built.
The Lord says you should fight the good fight of faith. Overcome that sin or addiction. Subdue that demonic oppression. Continue in sexual purity in an immortality-infested world. Don’t quit the ministry because of discouragement. You are in a battle. Fight the good fight. Keep the faith. Obtain the crown.
What are some of the battles you are engaged in right now?
The Lord says fight! He has equipped you with heavenly armor, and Satan knows he does not stand a chance once you know how to use your armor correctly. So don’t quit or be discouraged—fight!
Ask the Father to strengthen and encourage you in this warfare.