He is a Good God

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? (Matthew 7:11, KJV)

Would you have any difficulty believing me if I walk up to you and tell you that the devil is wicked and evil? None of us will  hesitate believing such a statement. In fact, as a christian, we are all on the same page when it comes to Satan and his intentions for our lives.  Wickedness and evil are consistent with his nature. When he does evil, it is normal or him. When he does good, you should be careful and seriously question his motives.

What about God? Why is it difficult for us to truly accept that God is good and has the best of intentions for us? It is far easier to believe in the wickedness of Satan than in the goodness of God. Jesus says explains the goodness of God using a human analogy above. He says if we, being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, we should expect the best with God. Many believers suspect God does not really want them to be happy. They think He has some mysterious plan of suffering to bring His purposes to pass. I want you to think of all the beautiful things in nature and life in general. Who do you think created tasty food? My  2 year-old  daughter  Michaela says “yummy tasty” when the food she is eating is really good. Who created created the joy of family, children and spouses? Who created sex? Who gave man emotions to experience joy  and pleasure?

Many of us will be shocked when we meet the Father and discover who He really is. We are living in a broken world, and life is not the way He originally intended. There are times we might go through hardship or suffering. That is no way implies God takes some special delight in our suffering. Jesus suffered and died, not because suffering is some eternal experience that gives God delight. It is because  we fell into sin and were heading to hell. The days are coming when there shall be no more tears or crying. We will see clearly what the Father really looks like. Those who think God has some special purpose to afflict them will discover He is truly a good good Father, different from what religion might have indoctrinated in them.

Train yourself to believe in the goodness of our Father.


 Why is it easier for us to believe in the wickedness of the devil than to believe in the goodness of our Father?


Your perception of God is crucial. He gave us the parable of the prodigal son not to show us our prodigality which is no news to us but to show us the heart  of the Father. Trust in the goodness of the Lord.


Thank the Lord for being such a good good Father.

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