The Fiercest Spiritual Attack in Human History

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12, KJV)

What comes to mind when you read the title of this devotional? What has been your toughest spiritual battle? I can only imagine ideas and memories flying across minds right now—night battles with evil spirits, witchcraft attacks, physical manifestations of demons, etc.

Such ideas of spiritual warfare reveal a challenging problem in most Church circles today: misunderstanding the works of Satan and demons. Although demons operate through witchcraft, sorcery, or possessing people, it is a small part of Satan’s works. God has warned us not to be ignorant of the devil’s devices, yet our cultural backgrounds often shape our expectations of demons and spiritual warfare.

Brethren, the greatest spiritual attack in human history involves two events with the highest stakes—the fall and redemption. Satan’s temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, an attempt to enslave man and God, is the most ferocious spiritual attack. The second significant attack was Satan’s temptation of Eve to disobey God.

Please note the scripture’s titles for Satan: tempter, deceiver, accuser, father of lies, adversary, etc. These titles provide a snapshot of Satan’s activities. Sadly, many expect Satan or demons always to attack them in power clashes with demonic entities.

As I often say, most of us will never see a physical manifestation of a demon. However, never think, even for a second, that demons have not been attacking you.

So what is the highest-stake(often destiny-changing) attack you have ever experienced from Satan? For some, it is that night they succumbed to immoral sexual temptation, and their life has never been the same. For others, it was a bad decision as a minister that destroyed God’s gift or a marriage proposal designed from hell.

Be not ignorant of the devices of the enemy. He sometimes works in open ways, such as witchcraft or demonic possession, but most of his attacks often come unnoticed.


What would have happened if Jesus had succumbed to Satan’s temptation and sinned?

Apply the Word

Demons remain active in strange places: strongholds in our minds, enticing, sinful habits, emotionally open doors, etc. Put on God’s whole armor (salvation, truth, faith, righteousness), and don’t be ignorant of Satan’s methods.


Ask the Father to help you discern the enemy when he appears in your life.

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