The Miserable Defeat Of Satan

Disarming the rulers and authorities, he has made a public disgrace of them, triumphing over them by the cross. (Col. 2:15 NET)

The defeat of satan image showing an image of a wooden man smashed under the soles of a man's shoes

Satan has been so miserably defeated that the only thing left for him to do, in order to carry out his plans and purposes in our lives, is to deceive us. Until the truth of the Word about Satan’s defeat is ingrained in your heart, and is alive and active in you, you will not enjoy your full deliverance and freedom from demonic oppression.

Col. 2:15 above narrates what our Savior did to the enemy of our soul. I have summarized it into what I call the “3 Ds,” which describe the deadly blows Satan received through the cross.

The first D is “disarm.” Satan has been stripped of all the power and authority that he ever had against you. He is a toothless bulldog, and it is only our ignorance of his toothlessness that causes us to be afraid of him.

The second D is “disgrace.” Satan’s defeat was disgraceful. It was so miserable that he now needs to hide because of how badly he was beaten and disarmed. When you know the truth about his pitiful defeat, he will not stick around.

The third D is, of course, “defeat.” Jesus triumphed and had victory over Satan. Jesus disarmed, disgraced, and miserably defeated the devil. This victory was not for Christ Himself, but for you and for me. It has been given to you.

All authority in heaven and earth has been given to Jesus, and He has given all of that authority to you. Do not allow Satan to rule over you. Take your authority and command him to stop and get out of your life!


Why is it that Satan still oppresses God’s children? See Hosea 4:6.


God’s Word in your mouth and spoken against Satan is your tool to enforce your authority. Start releasing your faith today by declaring your freedom and ordering Satan out.


Pray that the Sprit will enlighten your eyes to the truth of Satan’s defeat so you can enforce Jesus’s victory in every part of your life.

Recommended Read: Get Out of Here, Satan!
Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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