But By My Spirit

Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, Saith the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6, KJV)

Not by might showing a boxer

Christianity is impossible—with men! ( Matthew 19:26). Our daily spiritual lives and Christian ministry are not powered by human might, ability, skills, wisdom, or power. Instead, Christianity is a life energized by the Spirit, a truth vividly exemplified in the story of Zerubbabel.

Zerubbabel, Governor of Judah, faced a daunting task. Tasked with rebuilding the Temple amid significant opposition following the Babylonian Captivity, he confronted overwhelming challenges and fierce adversaries. In this context, the Lord spoke the pivotal words of Zechariah 4:6 to Zerubbabel. These words weren’t just encouragement; they were a divine strategy. They emphasized that the rebuilding effort was propelled not by human force but by the Spirit of the Lord.

These words were transformative for Zerubbabel and us in Christ; they resonate even more profoundly. The Temple Zerubbabel built is a shadow of the Church that Christ is building today (Matthew 16:18). The message for us is clear: our spiritual endeavors, whether personal growth or collective ministry, flourish not through our efforts but through the Spirit’s power.

In every challenge we face, the Lord echoes this assurance: our success and spiritual vitality depend not on our wisdom or methods but on our reliance on His Spirit. Embracing this truth means acknowledging our limitations and wholly depending on His guidance and strength.

The Spirit’s role in our lives is transformative. He equips us with wisdom, strength, and protection, asking only for our willingness to be conduits of His power. Our triumphs in faith hinge on this divine partnership, where our efforts align with His guidance.

As you reflect on your spiritual life, consider how the Spirit invites you to trust and surrender more deeply. Resolve to walk in the Spirit, be full of Him every day, and be yielded to him like never before.


Reflect on the role of the Holy Spirit in Zerubbabel’s story. What does it teach us about His presence and work in our own lives?

Apply the Word

When Christianity feels frustrating, it might indicate the flesh—you and me—is trying to make it work rather than the Spirit. True spiritual victory and joy are found in surrendering to the Spirit’s guidance. Embrace this divine partnership, and watch your faith journey transform.


Lord, I seek deeper growth in my walk with the Spirit. Guide me daily so that I may learn to rely fully on Your presence and power.

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