Likewise the Spirit Also Helps Our Infirmities

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. (Romans 8:26, KJV)

The Lord gave us the Holy Spirit to help us live the Christian life and serve Him. What does it mean for the Spirit to assist us, and how does He do that? The term “help” in the verse above implies that the Holy Spirit comes to aid or assist us. The verse further clarifies a specific context when the Spirit supports us: in our infirmities or weaknesses. So, if you have any weaknesses, here’s the good news: The Holy Spirit is there to compensate for those weaknesses. If you lack wisdom, He embodies God’s wisdom within you. If there’s confusion in your life, He knows the way. If you feel depleted in your Christian journey, He represents God’s strength. Endeavor thinking of a need He cannot fulfill, and you’ll realize you face no insurmountable problems—because your Helper is in you.

Paul elaborates in Romans 8:29 on a common Christian need: We often are uncertain about what to pray for. Due to our limited understanding of circumstances, our prayers sometimes miss the mark, akin to soldiers misfiring arrows. However, the Holy Spirit discerns precisely what we should pray for. For example, if challenges at work are plaguing you and you’re seeking God’s intervention, the Spirit ensures your prayers are on target.

A profound tool the Spirit utilizes in prayer is praying in tongues, where He prays impeccably through you, unencumbered by your thoughts. Yet, He can also guide us in prayer when we pray with comprehension and trust Him.

So, be it prayer, wisdom, strength, joy, direction, or any other need you might have today, the Helper is present. Ask Him and believe He’ll handle it.


Revisit Romans 8:26. Contemplate each word and meditate by whispering those words to yourself.

Apply the Word

Have you learned to lean on the Spirit? If not, you’re bypassing God’s most profound assistance. Learn to surrender to Him today. Strive to walk in the Spirit.


Ask the Spirit to guide you in walking and yielding to Him.

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