Your Attitude is Everything

Do everything without grumbling or arguing (Phil. 2:14 NET).

We know that attitude matters in the natural life. Most of us acknowledge that determination, motivation, and diligence will surely produce success in whatever we are talented to do. Attitude will truly determine our altitude in life.

Our attitude takes on even greater significance as believers. Philippians 2:14 above tells us to “Do everything without grumbling or arguing.” This refers to the attitude permeating our actions, whether at home or at work. It does not add “while things are going well and you are being treated fairly.” It says do everything without grumbling or arguing, whether there is a reason to do so or not. But why?

Attitude is spiritual positioning. It places you at a point in the spirit that either allows God to flow into your situation to command a change—or blocks Him off. Rejoicing and maintaining a thankful spirit in a difficult moment releases God’s POWER to change the circumstances for your good. If you maintain a grumbling and complaining attitude, you will take forty years, as Israel did, to complete a journey that only required a few days. Your attitude is everything, in both spiritual and earthly matters.

Think for a moment about how impossible the instruction above might seem. Well, staying in a painful situation for forty years is not an easier option! Say the words of the verse above again, until it resonates in your spirit.

Please do not read the above devotional and start grumbling and complaining about the politicians in your country. DO THE WORD! It might sometimes appear difficult and painful. God wants you to WANT TO. He is not looking here on earth for a perfect man. Tell yourself that you will not complain or grumble about anything today, whether there is a reason to do so or not. Repeat that tomorrow, and then next week, until it becomes your habit.

We need help here. Do you want to do His Word? Ask the Spirit of the Lord to help you align your attitude in life in all things with His Word.

Read & Watch

The Wonders of a Thankful Attitude
Attitude Determines Altitude
The dangers of a complaining spirit
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  1. Brother Patrick,
    I appreciate this ministry and the work it is doing in the lives of God’s people. I really like how you very concisely describe ways to apply the Word. I am going to make a conscious effort to avoid grumbling today! Hallelujah!
    Daniel Reilly

    1. Hello Brother Daniel. Pleased to know the Lord has used the word here to be a blessing to you. So glad you you are resolved to put His Word to work. Thank you for sharing the feedback with me and yo encourage others reading this devotional. Blessings.

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