Attitude Determines Altitude

And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept (Genesis 33:4, KJV).

Altitude determines altitude showing a young woman with sun shades

It has been said that “attitude determines altitude,” meaning your attitude in life will determine how far you will climb or how deep you will fall. We see this principle re-iterated throughout scriptures. You might have heard a preacher deliver a sermon about “spiritual positioning,” meaning your manner of life will either allow God to help you or block divine interventions.

The scripture above gives us a wonderful narration of the right attitude in life. Despite Jacob’s actions against Esau, when they met, Esau proved he had forgiven Jacob by the way he reacted. He ran to him, embraced him, and kissed him. He was not bitter in life, and he ended up a mighty and wealthy man. Bitterness is a wrong attitude that will cause us to fall deeper and deeper into the mire of despair. Forgiveness is an attitude that will lead to freedom, joy, and peace.

Your manner of life, how you guide your thoughts, emotions, words or actions define your attitude in life. Diligence and hard work are attitudes, as well as their counterparts, idleness or laziness. We can remain assured that an idle hand, which does nothing, will certainly be poor while a diligent hand will create riches. Attitude matters in our finances. It also matters in your relationships, your health, business, etc. Resist the temptation of living with the wrong attitude and somehow expecting a positive result.


Will God ignore our attitudes in life and give us the results we are asking for? (Galatians 6:7). How does God describe the state of having the wrong attitude, yet, expecting a good outcome? (James 1:26)


There is an attitude to every outcome and the Word has laid God’s instructions for us. Find out from the Word what you need to do for the outcome you are looking for.


Pray that the Spirit of the Lord will help you cultivate the right attitude in your life.

Recommended Read: Choice to rejoice always at all times. 

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