Wisdom is the Principal Thing

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. (Prov. 4:7 KJV)


If you are like me, you would have expected God to say that power is the principle thing, not wisdom. Yet the Scripture above gives us the tantalizing statement that “wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom.” It also does not say that riches or fame are the principle thing in life. The reason we tend to think otherwise is because our thoughts are not God’s thoughts and our ways are not His ways.

We typically live a crisis or problem-oriented life. We value the things that will solve the crisis we are in right now or what will meet our immediate or physical needs. Our vision is often blurred by our present or earthly needs. The Lord, however, sees the entire picture, including the future here on earth and in eternity and tells us what really matters in life. He says wisdom, divine wisdom, or the knowledge of God’s ways, is the principal thing in life.

The preeminence of wisdom lies in the fact that it has or will produce every other treasure in life including long life, riches, honor, and power! (Prov. 3:16, 8:14)

Wisdom comes from God, and is found in His Word, “For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous” (Prov. 2:6-7 KJV). Seek wisdom today in God’s Word and have the edge in every aspect of life!


What does the phrase “wisdom is the principal thing” mean? And why is wisdom the principal thing in life?


Do you have divine wisdom? Are you making errors in your life just simply because you lack wisdom to know what to do? Start paying attention to the Word and listening to the Spirit today to connect with divine wisdom.


Thank the Lord for the gift of Jesus, who is the wisdom of God dwelling in us. Pray for the Spirit to help you seek wisdom and to prioritize it in your life.

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