The Supremacy of Scriptures

And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount. We have also a more sure word of prophecy (2 Pet. 1:18-19 KJV)

Sure Word of prophecy shows a woman reading a book that glows

The scriptures are the written Word of God to us. The Lord, in His infinite wisdom, documented His Word for us without error so that the generations to come will have a sure and unchanging standard of truth to know Him. Can you imagine the degree of confusion the Church would have been in if we did not have the Bible as a central reference? Thank God for the scriptures!

The Lord used men by His Spirit over a period of hundreds of years to carefully document His Word to us without any human contamination. You can safely trust in the truth revealed in the scriptures and use it as a standard to judge every teaching, revelation or prophecy given by whoever or wherever. There is no special or hidden revelation that the Lord will give to anyone of His ministers today that will be contrary to what He has written down for us.

The Apostle Peter illustrated the supremacy of the scriptures over our personal spiritual experiences in the verses above. He recounted the story of the transfiguration and the voice of God they heard. However, he says the writings of the prophets( the scriptures) are a “more sure word”  to prove Christ is the Messiah than their personal spiritual experiences. This is such an important truth for us today. Stay clear from any dreams, visions, revelations or special insights from anyone that is contrary to what God has already revealed in the scriptures.


Take a minute to think through to see the wisdom God exhibited in giving us the book with His revealed plans and purposes.


Many people have been misled by dreams, revelations or prophecies which are apparently not scriptural. Be established in the truth of the scriptures. Do not be carried away by the spiritual experiences reported by others. The scriptures are a “more sure word of prophecy” than any visions or revelations we can receive today.


Thank the Lord for the gift of the scriptures to us today. 

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