Your Sweet Freedom in Christ

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. (Jn. 8:36 KJV)

Freedom in Christ daily devotional

Freedom really tastes good. The great nation of America has natural freedom as a core pillar in its foundation. Brave men and women in the military have sacrificed their lives to purchase freedom for others. Freedom not only tastes good, but is costly. If we enjoy freedom today, someone paid the price for it and we need to be grateful.

In the same way, the freedom we have in Christ did not come cheap. He had to lay down His life for the freedom of the world. However, what freedom are we talking about? In fact, the Jews who listened to Jesus above immediately retorted because Jesus told them they needed freedom. They said they were already free, because Jesus’s statement implied they were enslaved! (Jn. 8:33.)

Jesus responded and said, “I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. (Jn. 8:34 NKJ.) They were free, but not free. The territorial freedom, freedom of speech, human rights, etc. that we know today are but a minimal aspect of man’s freedom.

Sin was a slave master more powerful, and with more influence and control over the Jews who heard Jesus, than the Romans. Have you ever met someone who is free but held in slavery by addiction? What about slavery to some habits, or demonic oppression?

Being politically free, or out of jail, does not mean we are really free. True and complete freedom is only found in Christ.

Christ has given this to you as a gift: Freedom from sin and all its consequences. Freedom from satanic oppression and all the calamities of this life. Enjoy your freedom in Christ and do not allow yourself to get enslaved by anything again. (Gal 5:1.)


Who is the cause of the slavery of humanity?


Refuse to allow Satan or anyone steal your freedom in Christ. Protect it!


Thank the Lord for the freedom He has given to you.

Recommended Read: Why is Fear so powerful

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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