Who Touched Me?

And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me? (Luke 8:45 KJV)

As Jesus passed by one day, a woman, who had suffered from long-term bleeding for 12 years, tiptoed through the crowds and touched the hem of Jesus’s garment. Jesus turned around and asked, “who touched Me?” But His disciples were appalled that Jesus asked such a question when thousands pulled and pushed Him from all directions. 

However, this woman’s touch stood distinct from all others; she plugged into the Spirit and triggered the waterfall of God’s power. Two things happened when this woman touched Jesus. First, verse 44 records: she “Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.” (Luke 8:44 KJV). She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed instantaneously. She felt in her body that she was healed (Mark 5:29). 

Second, while the woman suddenly felt well, as God’s power surged through her body, Jesus also felt something—He felt power leaving His body. Both of them felt (sensed) a spiritual shift palpable in the body, so both knew something had happened, though the rest of the crowds, including the Apostles, were clueless. When Jesus asked, “who touched Me?” the woman knew what Jesus meant. She came forth trembling, unsure how Jesus would respond, and publicly disclosed the spiritual traffic that had taken place. Upon hearing this, Jesus said to her, 

Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.” (Luke 8:48 KJV)

This woman’s faith—her inner resolve and the step she took—pulled power out of Jesus to meet her needs. She touched God, even when God was not “planning to touch Her.” And God was pleased. Her touch was a step of faith that opened the tap of the reservoir of God’s power. Consider that this reservoir is the grace in Christ that has already provided all things we need by the work of Christ. In this case, faith is the hand that opens it—anytime, anywhere—to drink as much water as we want.

In conclusion, faith is a hand that touches God. Besides, He is pleased to see our faith stretched to receive what He has already provided us. Jesus did not tell the woman it was not God’s timing or sovereign decision to heal her then; instead, He was pleased with her. Remember that Jesus suffered for our forgiveness, healing, freedom, salvation, etc. Whenever we touch Him, open the reservoir of grace, and drink as much as we need, He is pleased and not offended.

Did Jesus know this woman was going to touch Him?

Faith matters. It is not an invention of the “faith movement”. Some miracles require kingdom violence—a violence of faith. Invest in your faith!

Ask the Spirit to help you grow in faith and learn to walk in it appropriately.

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How to Touch God and Provoke a Miracle
What is the Touch of God?
The violent take the kingdom by force
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