What is Impartation?
For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end you may be established (Romans 1:11, KJV)

As we delve into Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels, we uncover that the kingdom of God is filled with mysteries. Scripture highlights one such mystery—impartation. In his letter to the Romans, Paul articulates a heartfelt desire to visit them to impart a spiritual gift. This devotional explores the profound concept of impartation.
To unravel the mysteries of God’s workings in our lives through impartation, I will explore two key terms: “transfer” and “partaking.” Impartation involves the transfer of a spiritual gift from one individual to another, enabling the latter to partake in it fully. A notable biblical instance of impartation is in Deuteronomy 34:9, showcasing how Moses imparted the spirit of wisdom to Joshua by laying his hands on him, epitomizing this divine process in the Old Testament.
When Moses laid his hands on Joshua, a transfer occurred, resulting in Joshua being full of the spirit of wisdom.
Using a modern analogy can illuminate the concept of impartation: consider the act of transferring money. Imagine you have $100 and transfer $25 to someone else. After the transaction, the recipient receives $25, enjoying the benefits of additional funds. On one level, impartation mirrors this process of transfer. However, it goes beyond mere transaction—it involves a shared experience. This distinct aspect of impartation elevates it above a simple exchange, making it profoundly different from just transferring money.
Returning to our example of transferring $25 from $100, the sender ends up with $75, having less than before. However, impartation diverges from this scenario. In impartation, the recipient partakes in what the giver offers, yet the giver’s supply remains unaffected. So if $25 is transferred, the recipient gets $25, but in the realm of impartation, should $100 be imparted, the giver retains their $100 while the recipient also gains $100! This concept may defy natural logic, yet it aligns perfectly with spiritual principles. Consider this: God has imparted to us the fullness of His Holy Spirit, and yet, He remains fully God, as God as He has always been!
In another devotional, I delve into the three primary means of impartation: the Word, prayer, and the laying on of hands. These avenues facilitate understanding how to engage with and activate impartation in your life.
Thus, impartation involves transferring and partaking in spiritual gifts and can be facilitated through the Word, prayer, or the laying on of hands.
Ponder upon the distinction between the natural transfer of things and impartation.
Apply the Word
Embrace the reality of impartation within the Kingdom. Your devotion time is an opportunity for personal impartation in your secret place. But often, God orchestrates impartation through fellow Christians, who may impart knowledge, spiritual gifts, and graces through their teachings or the laying on of hands.
Pray for understanding and openness to receive the impartations God has made available, learning to embrace the spiritual inheritances He has distributed.
- The Holy Spirit, the power of God, and the Anointing
- How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit in the Three Dimensions
- Impartations in Your Prayer Closet
- How to Set Your Prayer Life on Fire
- The Ink of the Holy Spirit that Writes the Word
- View All Deshen Daily Devotionals
Can confidence be imparted to a person with low self esteem
Yes, Brenda. Confidence can be imparted, given and infused into our hearts. That is the job of the Word of God. Low self esteem in our hearts is only a sign of a bigger problem inside: that we have not truly received what God says we are. It means our hearts have not fully understood, believed and accepted what God says about us. It is fundamentally an identity problem. The only solution is to have a fresh revelation of Jesus, the grace that He brought, and the work He accomplished on the cross. After that, the next thing is to have a revelation of who we are in Christ. It is impossible to have a revelation of Christ and a revelation of who we are in Him and suffer from low self esteem. It will require us take a step and pursue God’s Word until it does its full job: impart that consciousness of who you are and erase every trace of low self-esteem.
So if anyone has a low self esteem, here are steps they can take to receive an impartation from the Word of God to correct it:
1. Ask the Father to reveal His Son to you:
“For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,” (Ephesians 1:15–18, ESV)
“My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures,” (Proverbs 2:1–4, ESV)
2. Take steps to seek God in the Word until it fully imparts the fullness of the revelation of Christ and Christ in you.
Study the Word first
Then read books and listen to sermons on this.
Here are some articles:
Always here for guidance if you need further help
Good evening sir, great grace upon your life and that of your family in JESUS NAME, sir I need Prophetic activation
Hello Isah, thank you for those kind words and for reaching out with that request. A few steps for you:
1. That desire is good. You desire the gift of prophecy and that is a good thing.
God responds to our desires. The only thing you will need to check here is to check your heart to see the reason why you want that gift and ensure it is good and right.
2. Ask God for the gift of prophecy.
You should learn and know what the gift of prophecy is. I have written a few brief devotional on prophecy, including the different levels or dimensions in Church today. Most importantly , these articles will teach how how prophecy operates and you also can be trained be learning this.
Ask and believe He will give to you.
3. Receive an impartation
I am glad you already read this article on what impartation is.
Take a moment to carefully read this second article to show you what to do to provoke an impartation or encounter with the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Patrick
Ohh I received it in Jesus name