Understanding Epignosis: The Transformative Power of Knowledge
And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him (Colossians 3:10 KJV)
God is a God of knowledge, and He created humanity as beings of knowledge. While science reveals the power of knowledge in the natural world, an even greater significance lies in spiritual knowledge. In this devotional, we will explore the transformative power of knowledge by examining one of the Greek words for knowledge in the Bible—epignosis.
God chose the Greek language to convey the rich, deep, and profound mysteries of Christ’s truths in the New Testament. The Greek language offers distinct words for knowledge, each carrying unique meanings, even though English translations often render them all simply as “knowledge.”
The term epignosis is one of these Greek words, appearing 20 times in the New Testament. It is consistently used in the context of spiritual or moral matters. In Romans, epignosis is used three times concerning spiritual blindness, such as the knowledge of sin (Romans 3:20) or the blindness of Israel (Romans 10:2). In the other 17 occurrences, including Colossians 3:10, it is associated with the spiritual understanding of truth.
Epignosis refers to the “content of what is known”—a full, definite, and precise knowledge. Its power lies in highlighting the profound effects of spiritual knowledge on our lives. It is not merely intellectual understanding but a deep, experiential knowledge that fully engages and transforms the individual. For instance, in Romans 3:20, when it speaks of the knowledge of sin, it is not just about knowing what sin is but experiencing a transformative knowledge that shapes the very nature and lifestyle of a person, producing sinful outcomes in their lives.
In Colossians 3:10, the verse reveals that the new man in Christ is renewed in epignosis. This renewal is not a superficial change but a profound transformation. As the new creation gains a full, complete, and accurate knowledge of God, this knowledge renews them, shaping them more to conform to the image of Christ. Such knowledge is not ordinary but transformative and experiential.
Let me illustrate this with the concept of healing. We might intellectually know that “by His stripes, we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). This understanding, while true, may remain just head knowledge—enough to teach it but not enough to experience healing. Epignosis, however, goes deeper. It leads you to interact with and live in the reality of what we know—epignosis is the “content of what is known”. When you have epignosis of healing, it manifests in your physical body—you step into the reality of divine healing in your body, beyond mere mental assent.
Colossians 1:10 encourages us to “increase in the epignosis of God,” promising that as we grow in this deep knowledge, we will also bear more spiritual fruit. This transformative knowledge comes from the Holy Spirit but requires our active pursuit—seeking Him, studying His Word, meditating on Scripture, and allowing Him to fill our hearts with His truth.
So, strive to grow in epignosis and step into the spiritual realities that God has prepared for your life and destiny.
Have you been content with just head knowledge of God’s truth, or are you pursuing an experiential, transformative knowledge? Consider how epignosis can move you from merely knowing the Word to living in its reality.
Act on the Word
Begin to seek epignosis by going deeper in your study of God’s Word. Move beyond just understanding facts and strive for a knowledge that transforms your life. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into this deeper revelation.
Lord, grant me the grace to grow in epignosis, that I may experience and live out the fullness of Your truth in every area of my life.
This is edifying knowledge. God bless you
Amen, thank you for the feedback!
Thanks for the website its helpful
Praise the Lord!! Glad it was a blessing to you John.
I am very Blessed by this devotional to know that having the spirit of wisdom and revelation is in the knowledge of God and knowing our rights, privileges and Blessings in Christ. Truely all knowledge comes from God and we have to get all the full package as children, daughters and sons of God.
Praise the Lord, Babila! Glad to know the Lord used His Word to bless your life. Keep feeding on His Word.
Praise the Lord, thank you Linda!
Love this , excellent.