Unto You it is Given to Know the Mystery of the Kingdom of God
And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables (Mark 4:11 KJV)

When the disciples asked Jesus why He taught the people in parables, He replied, “unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God.” There are a few pertinent truths hidden in this verse which I will briefly review in this devotional.
First, it shows us there are mysteries of the kingdom of God. These mysteries are hidden secrets of what the kingdom is and how it operates. As an example, Jesus spoke to them the parable of the sower, which explains how the Word of God works in the hearts of people who hear it. Jesus calls the details of how the Word operates a mystery of the kingdom!
Second, Jesus says God has given us the privilege to know the mysteries of the kingdom. A mystery, therefore, in the NT is not something mystical or hidden. Instead, we can learn and understand it. In fact, God wants us to know these mysteries.
Third, there is a reason the Lord wants you to know the mysteries of the kingdom. These truths are like keys that enable whoever has them to open any doors. Understanding the mysteries of the kingdom helps us function in it!
Read more: The mystery of Christ.
What is the meaning of the phrase “the mysteries of the kingdom of God”? Can the mysteries of God be known?
God has revealed the mysteries of the kingdom so that we can operate in it here on the earth. He wants you to know those mysteries and use them as keys to unlock the treasures of spiritual fullness, power, wisdom, wealth, healing, etc.
Ask the Father to help you know and understand the mysteries of the kingdom which He has revealed to us by His Spirit.
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Deception: the mystery of believing a lie.
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