Understanding the Spirit Realm

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit (John 3:8 KJV)

The spirit realm image showing a man watching a windmill

Jesus uses the analogy of the wind in the scripture above to describe the realm of the spirit. He compares the spirit realm to the wind that blows from one place to another producing visible and audible effects. Interestingly, an observer will be unable to tell the origin and destination of the wind.

There are two characteristics of the wind, amongst others, which I will list here that are pertinent to the understanding of the realm of the spirit. First, the wind is an invisible influence meaning the spirit world is a realm beyond the natural senses. Second, the wind is powerful and capable of palpable changes including damages. Think of the power of hurricanes. The spirit realm exerts uncontainable influence over the physical world. Though it is unseen, its impact can be palpable through the natural changes it induces.

The future belongs to believers who will learn to master the realm of the spirit. There is a limit to how far natural skills and talents can go. Sadly, many in the world are learning more about the dark side of the spirit(satanic) world to their destruction. However, as a believer, God has called you to the light, brought you into the realm of His Spirit, and given you control over all things.

Read more: Can the Spirit Realm be Understood?

What opens our spiritual eyes to see the realities of the realm of the Spirit? ( Ps. 119:118,130).

Many believers know the spirit realm exists, but it is not yet practically real to them. God’s Word is there to show you a sphere of life that controls what happens around us for your advantage. Be conscious of the realm of the spirit and be Spirit-sensitive.

Pray that the Lord will make the realm of the Spirit real to your heart.

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Your victory is from the spiritual realm.
Words matter in the realm of the spirit.
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  1. I can’t express my feeling exactly concerning this piece, but all I can say is that, God has sent you to open our spiritual eyes/understanding. You are doing something fantastic and super in someone’s life out there which you may not know sir. How I wish I can see you face to face before we leave this world for our father’s house. Anyway, may God continue to use you for us till we meet, by His grace in heaven if I am not opportune to see you here on Earth. Thank you so so much sir. More grace, wisdom and strength from above

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