Words matter in the realm of the spirit

“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. (Jn. 6:63 NAS)

We know that words matter in the natural world. Our words sometimes get us in trouble. Words can ruin relationships, destroy careers, and inflict deep-seated wounds of bitterness. The power of words in the physical world is only the tip of the iceberg when applied in the spiritual realm. When we deal with spiritual things, the full force of words become revealed.

Our words are powerful because we were created in the image of God. The full potential of words is seen with the words that God speaks. Jesus says above, that the words that He speaks are “spirit and life”. The Word of God is the reality of the realm of the spirit. It controls and rules the spirit world. It is much more obvious in the realm of the spirit, because things exist and have their being because God said so. It is same with the physical world, but we often do not acknowledge it. The Word of God is the trigger for activity in the human spirit, and the Holy Spirit. When you see the Spirit moving on earth, it means the Word of God was spoken, to initiate it. The Word puts Satan and his demons to flight. God gave us the Spirit to bring His Word alive in our hearts and mouths. He wants you to learn to talk!


Meditation is not only reflecting. It is speaking, muttering the word. The Psalmist said “with my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth! (Ps. 119:13 KJV). Learn from the Jews-they have learned the importance of muttering God’s Word in meditation.


Ask the Father to teach you how to talk. Seriously! Until we learn to talk like God, we will not live in His authority.


Learning to speak is not just a matter of avoiding the wrong things. More importantly, it is learning to declare life! Train yourself to speak God’s Word. Start with the verse above. Just read the verse out loud, commit it to memory, and speak it again and again. Then put yourself in it, and say “God’s Word is spirit and life to me!” For example, fear is death, so if God’s Word is life to you, then the Word should bring peace to wherever you are experiencing fear!

Recommended Read: Eating the Fruit of your lips

 Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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