Can the Spirit Realm be Understood?

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit (John 3:8, KJV)

There are few things more mysterious and difficult to grasp as this six-letter word “spirit”, in all its meanings and applications. It is understandable as it is a realm of existence that is foreign to what we have known since birth. It is like the unseen wind with invisible power but visible results. As if the concept of “spirit” itself is not enough trouble for us to grasp, we are given vivid instructions in the scriptures to live or walk in the Spirit. How do we live by something we have trouble understanding in the first place? Can we understand the realm of the spirit? The short answer is yes. And this is the long answer..

God is spirit and  our salvation is rooted in the realm of the spirit. That means if we ever dream of living what God has promised here and now, we must not only understand but have mastery of the realm of the spirit. This is possible. Not merely by much studying, but by the working of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is able to quicken our minds and give it understanding to grasp spiritual truths. It is a surprising reality in scripture that God is outside of the reach of the natural human mind. It is a consequence of the fall called spiritual blindness. The natural mind cannot understand the things of God. It is not because we the believers  are smarter than those world-renown Philosophers who could swear that there is no God, whereas He truly exists. The reason is that God cannot be known with the natural, fallen human mind. However, the Spirit is able to impart understanding to us, giving us the ability to understand and accept spiritual truths.

There is an outpouring of understanding upon the Church to see into the spiritual realm. God wants you to know that realm. This is the understanding that will usher the Church into a realm of glory, power and the operation of the kingdom!


Can the spirit realm be understood? Why do the unsaved reject the knowledge of God as foolishness?


Seek to grow in your understanding of the Word. There are some things you will never enjoy until they are revealed and made known to you. Grow in your knowledge of the Son of God! 


Ask the Spirit of the Lord to open your understanding to have a mastery of the realm of the spirit. 

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