Understanding the Power of God

Being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy (Colossians 1:11, ESV)

What is the power of God? What does it do in our lives? These are very basic but fundamental questions that dig deep into the very core of our Christian faith and walk. The power of God is crucial and  permeates every single thing about us from the new birth to the coming resurrection. It behooves us, therefore, to fully understand what the power of God is.

Power is manifested in different ways. However, a critical concept that runs like a thread through all these manifestations is “ability” or “influence.” It is the ability TO BE and TO DO. These three words together “ability,” “be,” and “do” form the core of what the power of God is and what it does in our lives. It is the ability that makes us able to do the things we do or capacity “to be” or “exist.”

The most obvious manifestations of power are in miracles. Sadly, many of us think that is all about the power of God. Please take a look at our verse above. It says we are strengthened with power, not to do miracles this time, but “for all endurance and patience with joy”. It takes the power of God to be patient and joyful! This is what is called spiritual strength, ability to live the Christian life.

The aspect of “to be” is a part  of God’s power at work in our lives that many are just not aware of. It is not the ability to do but to be. It takes power to be; that is, it takes power to sustain our being. Our spirit is the vital power that sustains our being.God’s being is also sustained by His power but that  power  is a distinct divine being, which is the Holy Spirit! I will be teaching on “Understanding the Holy Spirit” this evening for our Glory & Grace Bible Study. You will be tremendously blessed and so ensure you attend live on our Facebook page or watch the recording.


What are three distinct manifestations of the power of God that have been listed in the devotional above?


The more you understand the power of God, the more that power will be manifested in you. We need  power to work miracles, but that is not all. We  need power to live a holy, joyful, and peaceful life! Desire all the manifestations of the power of God in your life!


Ask the Lord to open your understanding and help you fully take hold of His power in your life. 

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