Peace Like A River

For thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream…(Isaiah 66:12 KJV)

Envision a realm where peace and joy overflow, ceaselessly and abundantly. Such a realm exists in God, and that secret place is Christ!

Many recognize the Biblical imagery of rivers—not just a singular river—of living water springing forth (John 7:37). Isaiah, in Isaiah 66:12, reveals a profound insight: two of these rivers are peace and financial abundance.

What do these symbols of river and water signify? Water represents a spiritual provision that satisfies our needs. A river symbolizes a copious and unending stream! Picture a place brimming with an endless supply of all you need, both spiritual and physical. This is a glimpse of what Eden was for Adam and a peek into our life in Christ; He supplies all our needs in Christ(Philippians 4:19)

The peace Christ bestows is akin to a river. He offers not a mere cup or bottle but an abundant, continuous, inexhaustible flow (John 14:27). This peace has two dimensions: first, the inflow, where we drink of the River (1 Cor. 12:13), and then the outflow, where peace emanates from us, enriching others’ lives.

Jesus’s peace differs from worldly peace (John 14:27). Imagine if the world could fabricate a device or drug that instills inner peace—people would spend fortunes on it. Despite our sophistication, education, advancement, and prosperity, no generation of humans has experienced such confusion, unrest, fears, anxieties, and lack of peace as ours. What a paradox!

Yet, you stand apart. You received the River upon believing in Jesus and continue to do so through His Word and communion with Him. Amidst increasing chaos, you become an oasis of peace. Let the rivers of peace within you flow outward, quenching the thirsty world around you.


Reflect on two characteristics of a river mentioned earlier. Affirm, “I possess peace like a river in my heart!”

Apply the Word

Your peace is vital for spiritual health and victory. The Lord advises, “Let not your heart be troubled” amidst earth-shattering changes and events. Rest in Him and bask in His river of peace.


Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance to sustain the perpetual flow of peace in your life.

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  1. Thank you for that lesson. The peace of God is welling up in me like a river. I am a federal government employee and I am affected by the Government Shutdown and am on furlough but I am at peace resting in God and trusting him solely, for everything belongs to him and he is my source. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!

    1. Amen and amen! Thank you for sharing that experience to encourage many others. The Lord surprise you and give you rest in this issue as you trust in His Word. Blessings

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