You have an Advantage in Life

These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit (Jude 1:19 KJV)

As a believer, we have an edge or an advantage in life. I know many of you will probably give me that strange look in disbelief!  I mean what I just wrote. The world has successfully convinced many of us that we are at a disadvantage in life because we are Christians.  Make no mistake about this. I am not talking about an advantage solely because you are going to heaven or in the after-life. No! I mean you have an advantage in life in your business, finance, health, family, and everything that has to do with both spiritual and natural matters. Let me explain.

Please take a look at the exciting verse above from Jude. He gives a general characteristic of the unsaved as “having not the Spirit.” The difference between you and the unbeliever is that you are not only regenerated, but you have the Spirit of God. You may now be thinking “what does that have to do with my relationship crises or financial struggles?” You see, we still have not yet fully understood what God has given us. The Spirit of God is your advantage in life.

Can you think of Jesus, being an employee in a company? What will His productivity be? Think of Jesus running that business. What about Jesus having to deal with the family crisis you have at home that is causing you to pull your hair out? Do you know that the same wisdom and power with which Jesus operated as a Man came from the Spirit? It is the SAME Spirit that He has given to us, not in part, but full measure. Someone lives in you who has the wisdom and power that created the universe. You cannot be a failure—except you choose to. Just as I wrote in yesterday’s devotional, the days are quickly approaching that the fullness of the sons of God will be revealed. The world is about to see mature believers demonstrate the excellency of the wisdom and power of God that has never been seen since our Lord walked the earth. Failure, defeat, depression, oppression, poverty, etc.,  are inconsistent with the nature we carry. Don’t cry. Don’t beg God for a miracle. You are a miracle. Grow to maturity and enjoy eternal life Jesus came to give us.


How does God call the Spirit in Gal. 3:13?


Renew your mind in the Word. Be transformed to the fullness of Christlikeness in your soul. I will repeat, you have an advantage in life! Yes, you might be living like a servant at the mercy of life but you are royalty. That is exactly what Gal. 4:1-4 says. We will live like beggars and servants at home until our eyes open to realize we are sons in the House. Let this be your mindset this year. You have an edge in life. Adjust your thinking and think Wordly!


Thank the Lord for the beautiful gift of the Holy Spirit. 

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