The Oil Stopped Flowing

When the vessels were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.” And he said to her, “There is not another.” Then the oil stopped flowing (2 Ki. 4:6 ESV)

The oil stopped flowing image showing a very large clay jar

The LORD performed a remarkable miracle through the hands of prophet Elisha by multiplying oil to pay the debts of a deceased prophet’s widow. When the woman cried to Elisha about her financial distress, Elisha instructed her to borrow many empty vessels(containers) from her neighbors ( 2 Ki. 4:3). The woman probably thought something was “weird” with this prophet and wondered why she should fill her home with empty containers. However, the miraculous occurred.

The prophet instructed her to begin filling the empty containers with the little oil she had and to her dismay, the oil in her bottle was filling the bigger containers but was not running out. She continued pouring and pouring until the last container was full. She told her son “bring me another vessel,” and he said to her “ there is not another.” The scripture says the oil then stopped flowing when there was no empty vessel. The woman had defined the extent of her miracle by the number of empty vessels she had.

How large is the vessel of your heart? What are you hungry and thirsty for? What can you believe and dream of with God? Your capacity will define your miracle.  You will not experience God beyond what you are hungry for. Where your hunger stops, there your anointing will stop. Enlarge your heart and desire for more of His presence and glory in your life.


If you were in the woman’s place before the miracle, what would you have done with the prophetic instruction to borrow as many empty vessels as possible? Declare that “the capacity of my heart is increasing to create more room for more of God’s oil in my life.”


Are you hungry for God? What is your level of desire? If only many more Christians had a passion for God that is only a  fraction of the passion of most sports fans, the world will be on fire!


Ask the LORD to ignite a holy hunger in your spirit for more of Him in your life.

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