Two Important Dimensions of Living

Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: But the just shall live by his faith. (Habakkuk 2:4, KJV)

Two dimensions of living you should be aware of

The Bible speaks often of “life” and “living,” contrasting these with “death.” It tells us, as believers, that we have life and should live by faith or in the Spirit. This devotional explores two biblical concepts of living, rooted in the truth that “the just shall live by faith.”

The first meaning of “to live” is akin to being “alive,” as opposed to dead. To live means receiving life, moving from death to life. Consider Lazarus, once lifeless, called forth by Jesus to live again. Similarly, when we believe in Jesus, we receive life and become alive spiritually—we can be alive to God.

The first concept, ‘alive,’ implies a passive state of being, contrasting with death. In receiving life, we transition from death into spiritual vitality. The second concept introduces a more active and dynamic expression of this life. It unfolds through the soul’s faculties—thought, emotion, and desire—and is manifested through bodily actions and speech. This active living is encapsulated by the term ‘walk.’ In making decisions about our words and actions, we actively manifest the life within us. This area of living, squarely within our control, involves intentional choices in our thoughts, words, and deeds.

Alive by faith, we continue to walk by faith daily. The Holy Spirit’s entry into our hearts marked the beginning of this life, and we express it daily by living in the Spirit—walking by faith.

A crucial understanding for Christians: one can be alive in the Spirit yet not live by the Spirit. Paul emphasizes this to the Galatians, “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25, KJV)

You are already alive in the Spirit. The challenge and invitation is to exercise this life in your daily actions. Imagine the impact of manifesting eternal life in your body, words, actions, and finances. Living by faith and in the Spirit holds profound potential for our well-being on earth and establishing God’s kingdom in our world.


Ponder upon this truth: you are alive in the Spirit, having passed from death to life (1 John 3:14).

Apply the Word

Embrace and believe in the life you have received from God. First, acknowledge God’s life within you. Though it may seem obvious, truly believing it is foundational. Then, live according to this life by faith, walking in the Spirit.


Express gratitude to the Lord for the gift of life and seek His guidance to live by the Spirit every day.

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