To the Saints and Faithful Brethren in Christ

To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Colossians 1:2, KJV)

In his letter to the Colossians, Paul referred to the believers as “saints” and “faithful brethren”. Both terms highlight aspects of our remarkable calling in Christ.

When Paul spoke of “saints”, he meant holy ones—moral purity, consecration, and holiness. He didn’t restrict this title to religious leaders or a select group of believers. Instead, he addressed all the believers as saints. This designation may challenge our religious thinking, but understanding our saintly nature is critical. God made us holy at the new birth; He has chosen us to be holy and blameless in Christ (Ephesians 1:5). In a remarkable display of grace, He recreated us in His holiness and righteousness (Ephesians 4:24). Therefore, we are born into God’s family as saints—holy, pure.

As  God’s holy ones, saints in Christ, we’re urged to remain unwaveringly faithful to this heavenly vocation. The term “faithful brethren” reflects those who uphold their saintly identity by living a holy lifestyle. If being “saints” represents God’s work in us, “faithfulness” signifies our response. Thus, as saints, our mission is to live faithfully. While sinfulness marked our old nature(the flesh), holiness defines our current one( God’s children).  God called you and made you holy; your answer should be a steadfast commitment to living out this holiness faithfully.

What ties the ideas of being a saint and being faithful? As our old sinner nature once empowered sinful living, our new saintly nature now enables a holy life. Essentially, by recreating us as saints, God gives us the capacity to live in line with our saintly identity.


Think on this truth for a moment: God calls you a saint.

Apply the Word 

To live faithfully, we must first accept our new status as saints, believing in our holiness and righteousness through Christ. Know and believe what God has done and be faithful to your calling to holiness.


Thank the Father for choosing us as His holy ones. Ask His guidance and grace to live out this daily call faithfully.

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