Beware of false brethren in the fold
For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ (Jude 4 ESV)

One of Satan’s most devastating attacks against the Church in these last is summarized in the first statement of Jude 4 above “ certain people have crept in unnoticed”. Paul used the phrase “false brethren” ( Gal. 2:4) and Peter “false apostles and teachers “ ( 2 Pet. 2:1). The principle in all these remains the same: Satan is infiltrating the Christian community to destroy it from within.
Jesus summarized this with the Parable of the wheat and tares. A farmer planted wheat and an enemy came later and planted weeds in his farm. Many of us are familiar with the caution against false teachers, apostles and prophets. Yet very few are aware of the dangers of false brethren. These are people who profess to be Christians but are not. They are a danger to the Christian community.
The Church appears to be in a very vulnerable place. Anyone can simply profess to be a Christian or minister, then say or live in a way that is totally anti-Christ setting a barrage of confusion amongst God’s people and fierce criticism against Christ and the Church. I remind you of this exhortation again: be careful brethren, for the days are evil. We know these things but it seems we sometimes forget them, and so need frequent reminders.
What are the characteristics of these “false brethren” in Jude 4 above?
If I could shout this in your ears a million times, I will do so: do not take people for what they say. You shall know them by their fruit not they say they are. Many in the pews and pulpits profess openly to be something they are not. Amongst them is a unique and dangerous group that came in with evil demonic agendas. Watch and pray for yourself and for the believers.
Pray that the Lord will enable the wheat to thrive in the midst of the weeds and not succumb to any evil intention.
- Beware of the dangers of counterfeit Christianity
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