Three Reasons Why You Need to Increase Both Spiritually and Naturally

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth (3 John 2 KJV)

Our theme for this year is increasing spiritually and naturally(natural aspects such as health, finances, relationships). This devotional examines three reasons your well-being on earth requires both spiritual and natural wellness.

As we would see in a future devotional, Biblical prosperity involves prospering spiritually and naturally. John captures this thought in 3 John 2 above. I will enlist three reasons you should pay attention to these two aspects of your life.

First, God created us as spiritual and physical beings. He Himself knows that we need both the spiritual and the physical( Matt. 6:8). In fact, though Adam was in glory spiritually, dwelling in God’s very presence on earth in Eden, God had to create a woman because He said it is not suitable for Adam to be alone—but we would think that Adam was not alone; he had God!

Second, the spiritual and the physical(or natural) are similar in that they are both governed by principles and laws that God Himself established. Furthermore, it is possible to prosper in one and be wanting in the other; better still, you should be whole and increase in both.

Third, we—believers—have notoriously been either deficient in material things or denied our physicality. The unsaved often do better in matters of physical health, money, relationships, work, etc., than the saints ( Luke 16:18). As a believer, you should remove natural well-being and happiness from your blacklist if they are still listed there; it is not ungodly or anti-Christian to be healthy, financially prosperous, or successful in the things you do. 

God says through John, “I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

This Friday, we will be meeting for our monthly Deshen Online Prayer at 7pm Central Time! Zoom Details will be sent by email as usual. If you are not subscribed to our Weekly Newsletter, please subscribe here.

Did God ever say all you need is Him? Where did this idea come from?

God is not against our physical or material well-being. Rather than deny our physical needs or ignore them, we should instead acknowledge them and put them in their proper place—under(subordinating to) our relationship with God.

Ask the Father to help you increase both spiritually and naturally this year.

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A Prophetic Word for Next Year and Beyond
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