This is the Word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel

Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, Saith the LORD of hosts (Zechariah 4:6 KJV)

I want you to go back to our main verse above, replace the name “Zerubbabel” with your name and then reread that verse again. Please do so now before you continue reading this devotional. Did you do that? Congratulations, you just heard what God is saying to you now! Zerubbabel is no longer here. The LORD is speaking these precious words to you and to me.

Christian life and service require the power of the Spirit to carry on. It takes the power of the Spirit to make you believe the Word, love God, walk in holiness, love people, etc. It takes the power of the Spirit to serve God and do the things which God has commanded you to do. Let me briefly list two main reasons why you should pay attention to what this verse is telling us.

The first is that operating by the Spirit will keep you from frustration with the Christian life or ministry. Attempting to live or work for God without His power will not only drain our energy but it will lead us to spiritual burn out.

The second reason, which is even most important, is that God does not accept anything we do, which is not by His Spirit. Our sacrifices are accepted through His Spirit. Grow in your fellowship with the Spirit to ensure you are not merely “trying to live a good Christian life” but a Spirit-led life.


Who was Zerubbabel?


Do you feel overwhelmed with the daily Christian life?  Does it seem that vision God has given you is impossible? He is telling you now as He told Zerubbabel that it is not by your own might. Just trust and walk with Him.


Ask the Lord to help you cooperate fully with His Spirit at all times in your life. 

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