The sluggard says, “There is a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets!”
The sluggard says, “There is a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets!” (Proverbs 22:13 ESV)

I have read the book of Proverbs several times, and I often pay attention to several major themes when I do so. One of these major themes is what Solomon says about wealth and poverty. I challenge every single one of you to read and reread this book several times to get God’s entire picture about financial prosperity. You will find timely truths about money, wealth, poverty, giving, financial management, etc.
As I have taught before, I think the majority of the Church has completely gone off track when it comes to money. Giving is only ONE of the truths God has revealed to us about financial prosperity. If you think just giving and tithing will make you prosperous, you are in for a spiritual financial disappointment. Know God’s entire counsel on the matter of money.
Solomon reveals a profound truth in the verse above. He said, the sluggard says, “There is a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets!” The sluggard is one that does not do things with their hands, and here he gives an good reason for not doing stuff. He has a lion in his head and he believes the excuses he creates with his own mind.
Sluggishness is one of the major causes of poverty revealed in the book of Proverbs. It is not just being lazy. It is simply not DOING what brings in money, no matter the reason.
What else has the Lord taught us about divine prosperity in the scriptures besides giving?
I would have never considered myself, a while ago that I was, a sluggard as Proverbs defined it. The sluggard in Proverbs is someone who is not doing what it takes to create wealth. Laziness is only one reason for this sluggishness but it is not all. I was not lazy. I simply was not financially smart to DO things that bring in money. I pray you get this. If you are struggling financially, I want you to ask yourself this questions: what am I doing NOW that brings in money? A sluggard as above has valid reasons to justify their reasons why they ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING. Beware of sluggishness!
Ask the Spirit to reveal sluggishness sin in your life as He did to help me, too.
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