The manifestation of God
For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us (1 John 1:2, KJV)

God has to be manifested for us to perceive Him. John gives us an astonishing revelation of Jesus in 1 John 1:1 above. He says God’s life “was manifested” and “we have seen it”. We will focus on these two words “manifested” and “seen it”.
Manifestation in its simplest sense means something that was hidden becomes visible to the eye. God is invisible, and for us to see Him, He has to manifest Himself or make Himself become visible. How did John and the other Apostles see the life of God? Well, the previous verse gives us a vivid picture of what he refers to as “we have seen it” in this verse:
“THAT which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life” (1 John 1:1, KJV).
They heard, saw with their physical eyes, look upon and touched with their hands God’s life that was manifested! He was referring to Jesus. The Word of God became a human being, and they could hear Him talk with their ears, see Him with their eyes and even touch Him with their hands. That means they could perceive the Word of God with their physical, bodily senses. This perception of God with the bodily senses generally can be called “seeing” as he uses in verse 2. God became visible or perceivable to the physical human senses in Jesus the Man. He is no longer physically on the earth, but still appears to people, that is, becomes physically visible to them as He chooses.
However, the physical bodily senses are only one part of our human perceptive abilities. Our hearts have eyes too, that can perceive God. This is the inner eye. The senses of the body are the outward eyes. This inner eye is simply the faculties of your heart or soul. That is, ability to know with your mind, feel with your emotions and desire. In the same way that God can manifest Himself to be seen by our physical senses, He also manifest Himself in our hearts. He manifest Himself in knowledge that you can know and experience Him as fully as you can perceive and experience Him physically. God can be manifested in your emotions as His joy fills your heart. When God manifests Himself, you “see” Him, meaning you perceive and experience His presence, just as someone physically standing beside you.
In 1 John 1:1, John describes a physical perception of Jesus because He was physically present with them. Today, God wants to manifest Himself in our hearts and bring you into a full experience of His presence and person. He manifests Himself as His Word and in His knowledge within you. Do you know you can experience Jesus’s presence, know Him deeply, and be more intimate with Him far better than those who saw Him physically? May the Lord open your eyes to see this truth fully. He wants to manifest Himself to you! Open your hearts and desire to see Him. He might even decide to manifest Himself to some of you physically by appearing to you.
Please take a moment now and carefully read 1 John 1:1-2; think and mutter those words.
God manifested Himself fully in the flesh in Christ when He was born as a Man and lived here on earth. He is still manifesting Himself in the eyes of our hearts. God wants to be known by His people. When He manifests Himself, you see Him and your life never remains the same. Desire to see. Ask Him to manifest Himself to you!
Tell the Father you want to see Him in your heart and come to the full fellowship of intimacy and communing with His presence.
- God was manifest in the flesh
- For this Purpose the Son of God was Manifested
- The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men
- The Earth Shall be Filled with the Glory of the LORD
- The manifestation of the Word through preaching
- View All Deshen Daily Devotionals
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