The manifestation of the Word through preaching

But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour (Titus 1:3 KJV)

spirit realm man looking through telescope

Paul made the remarkable statement above regarding the Word of God that God manifested His Word through preaching. The word “manifest” is translated from a Greek word that means making something clear to the mind, the senses or to one’s judgment.

It is the same word used for the manifestation of the Word in 1 John 1:2 where John said Jesus, the Life of God, became manifested for them to see, feel, hold and touch. God became palpable or perceptible to the senses through manifestation. It is the same concept embedded in John 1:14 where the Word became flesh, that is, God manifest in the flesh!

The Word was manifest in the flesh as the Man Jesus. He was manifest and perceptible to the senses. The Word  is also manifestate through preaching or teaching and made clear to the mind. Whether in the flesh to the physical senses or through the explanation of preaching, it is the same Word. This is outstanding! 

I have explained this multiple times, that knowing is seeing in the realm of the spirit. The same Word which John and the other Apostles saw, felt, handled and heard is the same Word that is still being manifested to us today except that it is to our understanding. Since it is the same Word, you can very well expect the same results and even better!


What is the meaning of manifestation as described above? How is the manifestation to the mind(psychological senses) related and different from manifestation to the physical senses? 


John saw Jesus physically and was able to hear Him, touch Him and even eat with Him. Well, that same Jesus is with you today in the Word and Spirit! He is manifested in His Word to us! Open your eyes and see the Lord in His Word and as you see, your life becomes transformed!


Ask the Spirit to help you see Jesus always in the Word. 

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