The glory of the Lord is revealed through you

But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit. (2 Cor. 3:18 NAS)

The scripture above gives us such an amazing revelation of who we are in Christ. It says when we behold or look into the mirror, we see the glory of God. And as we continue to look into that mirror and beholding that glory, we become transformed each day.

What do you see when you look into a mirror?  No tricks- you see yourself, right?. Look at the verse above again, it says “But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord..”  The verse says when we look into the mirror, what we see is the glory of God. He calls you, the believer in Christ, the glory of God! The mirror is God’s Word. As we look into the Word, we see ourselves as God has created us-in His glory! That means as a believer, you are the visible manifestation of the invisible God. God’s holiness, wisdom, power, and love are not visible to the physical eyes. We make these qualities become visible as God expresses Himself through us. You are the “Jesus Christ” that your neighbors will ever see. You are the continuation of His life and work.

MEDITATE-the glory of God

Ponder upon the verse above. Think and mutter until it takes a hold of your spirit. Who are you? Have you truly seen yourself as the manifestation of God’s glory on earth?


Ask the Father to open your understanding about the glory of God that has come upon you.


God’s glory is revealed through the things we do or say. If you do not believe God and speak to demons troubling you or those around you, you will never know God’s power in you over principalities and powers. God is the God of abundance, and this abundance will be known when you live in abundance. God is love, and that will be seen as you show love to those around you. God is holy and righteous, and these virtues are seen through you as you live in holiness and righteousness. We are the expression and manifestation of the beauties and excellencies of God. This is the glory being revealed. It is our season of glory!

Recommend Read: A Time to Every Purpose Under the Heaven

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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