The feast of Pentecost: the rain for a harvest

Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is deemed a forest.  (Isaiah 32:15 ESV)

a woman in yellow rain coat under the rain

Today is Day 4 of Deshen Daily miniseries on the feasts of Pentecost.  Each devotional will build upon knowledge of the prior devotionals in this series, so please review yesterday’s devotional if needed. Pentecost is the Feast of Harvest. In ancient Palestine, rain was the central factor for the harvest seasons. In fact, rain could be a matter of life or death. Until the rain falls, there is no harvest. Please reread Isaiah 32:15 again with this new information.

The Spirit is not explicitly called “rain” as the Word in Isaiah 55:10. However, the figure of rain is implicitly clear from the passage above. When the Spirit is poured out from on high as the rain, the wilderness becomes a fruitful field bringing an abundance of fruits to be harvested. 

The Holy Spirit is the Rain from heaven that falls on the earth to bring about the harvest of humanity during the harvest seasons on the earth. He is the One that harvests sinful men to become children of God. He is the One that produces spiritual fruits in these children that are pleasing to God and bring glory to His Name.

We are still in Pentecost! God is in the business of a major harvest by His Spirit all over the world! We will continue tomorrow with Day 4 of unravelling the mysteries of Pentecost.


What is the relationship between rain and harvest in ancient Israel? How do you explain the fact that the Spirit is implicitly called Rain in Isaiah 32:15, but the Word of God is explicitly called rain in Isaiah 55:10-11?


We are living in a peculiar time in God’s calendar. One thing should be crystal clear to you at this juncture: no Spirit, no fruit. The Church has only one way forward to bear or engage in fruitful harvest: the Spirit. Grow in your fellowship of the Holy Spirit.


Ask the Father to bring an understanding of the Holy Spirit in the Church. 

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