The Egyptians Kept Israel in Bondage
And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have remembered my covenant (Exodus 6:5, KJV)

Pharaoh kept Isreal in bondage as slaves. He ensured they were under hard labor with taskmasters to enforce their suffering, pain, and grief. Pharoah’s strategy was obvious: suffering and bondage will keep the people from doing anything meaningful with their lives. When Moses announced the Lord’s command to Pharaoh to let Israel go, Pharoah made their bondage even more grievous so that they will not have time to even think about going to worship their God.
Bondage is a destiny killer. As long as Israel was in Egypt, they could not even serve God. The LORD had to lead them out of Egypt for them to serve Him. Egypt symbolically represents the place of the bondage of God’s people. Satan is still operating in the same path against us. If our pain is sore enough, it will become the piece around which our whole lives revolves. It is a distraction from the way to destiny. It works, always and at all times, if we do not put a stop to it.
There are people loaded with destiny that Satan keeps in the bondage of a failed relationship or divorce. Others are held back by a disease that cripples everything about them. Still, some are in constant financial distress and fears. The list continues. Bondage always holds us in captivity and makes the pain the centrality of our lives. We cannot serve God effectively in any form of bondage.
As God called Israel out of Egypt, so He has called us out of every form of Satanic bondage, no matter what they are. You have been called to freedom so you can serve God effectively.
Is there a pain in your life that is the center of your world and makes you not even to think about God’s plans and purposes for your life?
Salvation is a gift. The enjoyment of your freedom from all forms of bondage here and now is a choice. Some things will not change until you do something about them. The path to changing our circumstances in life has not changed. It is making use of the power of God through the Word and the operation of the Holy Spirit in your life and other believers around you.
Ask the Lord to help you break free from every form of bondage that is oppressing you and distracting you from God’s purposes in your life.
- He brought them out that He might bring them in
- The Truth shall Make You Free
- Importance of Seeing the Defeat of the Enemy
- All power and authority belong to God
- What is a Devotional?
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