Talitha, Cumi

Then He took the child by the hand, and said to her, “Talitha, cumi,” which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” (Mk. 5:41 NKJ)

Talitha Cumi, Jesus' words to Jairus' daughter

Talitha cumi is from the Aramaic language and means “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” This little girl was twelve years old and had just died from an illness. Jesus spoke to her dead body and she came back to life.

God told the prophet Ezekiel to “prophesy unto dry bones to come alive “(Ezek. 37:4.) This is a demonstration of the operation of the Word of God.

When Jesus said, “Talitha, cumi,” He was again doing what He did in Genesis, Chapter One, when the Elohim began to call forth beauty out of the void and the formless earth.

God has put His Spirit inside of us and His Word into our mouths. That means the child of God has the ability to speak forth God’s Word, which is prophecy, and bring about the changes that God’s Word brings. God says, “This is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth (Isa. 59:21 NKJ.)

If you want to know victory upon victory, then you have to understand the power of the spoken Word. The realm of the spirit is governed by the spoken Word of God. Learn to speak God’s Word. It is not some preacher’s rhetoric.

It might not make sense to you at first, but begin to prophesy over your body, family, business, relationships, ministry, etc. Call forth every dead dream to come back alive. Prophesy to your body and tell that disease to leave, and tell your businesses to begin to flourish!


What do you think those who stood by Jesus thought when they heard Him say those words to a dead body?


Do not keep quiet. Life requires speaking. Start speaking His Word now!


Thank the Lord for giving you His Spirit to be able to prophesy and speak forth His Word.

Recommended Read: God’s Word contains your Miracle

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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  1. I struggle with this because it’s said many times in the Bible that if it be God’s will. In the Lord’s prayer itself it says, “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” So, do I pray for wisdom to know God’s will, or prophecy that my needs and hearts desires will be given to me because when I pray, I pray that I believe it shall be done.

    1. Spot on, Peggy. Your prayer for wisdom is very solid and is actually the will of God! Paul says”For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding”. (Col. 1:9 NKJ) God’s Word is His Will revealed for your life. As His Word increases inside of you, His Will will be clearer. There are things He has cleared told us in His Word which is His will. You do not need to ask Him if it is His will to heal you, deliver you or bless you. If you have to cast a demon, you do not need to ask if it is His will. These things are clearly revealed to us in scripture, that these are the things He wants( His Will). However, We will need guidance from His Spirit on how to proceed but should have no doubt as to whether that is what He wants or not. There are a few moments in our life that we will need to seek specifically to know some details not clearly revealed in the scriptures. Eg, you will want to ask the Lord for His Will before a business venture, marriage proposal or major family or personal decisions. These are specific day to day issues that we need to seek His Will, because they are not apparent in the scriptures. Interesting enough, you will discover, or probably have already, that God also uses His Word to clarify His Will for us in such practical issues. This is the working of the Spirit and it is wonderful. His Will is that you should fully know His Will! Your faith will not work if you have any doubts as to whether it is God’s Will or not. Eg praying for healing and doubting if God really wants to heal you is a waste of spiritual recourses. Faith requires accurate knowledge of His Will. Therefore keep praying for wisdom to know His Will, knowing fully well what that wisdom is found-His Word is His Will. When the Spirit wants to make you know His Will, He reveals the Word to you! You are blessed and highly favored!

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