How the Lord Rescued Me from a Major Highway Accident 

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26 KJV)

A few days ago, the Lord rescued me from a potentially disastrous highway motor vehicle accident by prompting me to pray just seconds to the incident. How gracious and faithful our Father is!

I was driving to work on one of our major 4-lane highways here, I-35, and listening to a track on my phone through the car’s audio as I typically do. Suddenly, I lost interest in the track and did not want to listen to it anymore; Rather, I felt I should pray. I did not know what to pray about, so I began praying in tongues. About 2-3 minutes after I started praying, a car on my right abruptly entered my lane. The driver did not notice that  I was behind him at full highway speed. In response to this abrupt encroaching into my lane, I quickly swirled my car into the left lane and back into my lane. And God kept that left lane clear for me! Just behind me was a truck approaching at full speed in the left lane. Had this truck been 20-30 seconds closer, it would have been a disaster for me. Praise the Lord who watches over us!

The Spirit prompted me to pray just at the right time. Romans 8:26 tells us that the Spirit helps our infirmities and makes intercessions for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. The Spirit helped me in several ways. First, He helped me to promptly position myself appropriately for a danger I knew nothing about. Second, He helped me pray about this unknown danger through the gift of praying in tongues. Although my mind did not understand what I was praying about, in the Spirit, I was praying and speaking mysteries. This is a real-life example of what it means to pray with the spirit while the mind is unfruitful( 1 Cor. 14:14). Third, He conditioned my mind to be sensitive and responsive to His leading and prompting.

What would have happened if I did not pray? Well, I don’t know. It is similar to asking what would have happened if the Church did not pray after Herod arrested Peter and imprisoned him (Acts 12:5). Furthermore, please note that the Spirit led me without any audible voice or supernatural drama. Rather than showing me a vision or speaking audibly to me—reasonable means He still uses to talk to us—He used my feelings, desires, and thoughts to guide me. I felt an urge to pray. May this encourage many of you who still think the Spirit is not speaking or leading you. He probably is, but maybe you still do not recognize His leadings, or you do not respond to Him. 

Please join me to praise and thank the Lord for His faithfulness in guiding and protecting us! 

Has God ever put a desire in your heart to pray? 

Be sensitive to the Spirit’s promptings, and respond when He leads. It might not always be as dramatic as my case above, but train yourself to discern His leading in your heart and yield to follow. 

Thank the Father for the gift of the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, who is our Helper at all times.

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God’s  Hedge of Protection Around You and Your House
What is the Secret Place of the Most High?
The Mystery of Praying in Tongues
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  1. Thank you Jesus for your Holy Spirit that leads at all times and for preserving Dr. Patrick Oben’s life. Hallelujah

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