Taken captive by divine favor through Jesus Christ

And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God. (Lk. 1:30 NAS)

We have “stumbled upon” divine favor we were not actively looking for. When the angel met Mary, she knew nothing about what had already been spoken about her. She was going about her usual daily business, like any teenage girl would, totally unaware of the what was coming upon her. She was not looking for favor. Favor found her and took her hostage!

Christ has paid the price that is beyond imagination to brought us into a place of divine favor that is overwhelming. Favor is not merely a doctrine of grace for us to believe. It is a practical experience of God’s goodness. It is being the recipient of kindness and goodness we did not work for or deserve. The excitement about the favor of God is not a burst of mental or emotional activity. In favor, God withholds nothing good from us! We stand on a platform on which whatever is good, is ours in Christ, both in this physical world, or in the realm of the spirit. Your knowledge and faith determine what you experience. There is an open heaven over the Church, and we will each determine how much of the heavenly cake we will enjoy. It will not be by trying hard, but by unlocking the mysteries hidden in Christ, and aligning ourselves to those mysteries. You are a child of favor. Live tall, and be eternally grateful for the sacrifice of Christ that has brought us into this place.


Ponder upon the Word above. Take a moment and let your mind roll over those words. Do you really know that you have found favor with God?


Thank the Lord for divine favor in your life! Ask the Father to show you the keys to accessing what is yours in Christ.


God’s Word can only be effective when we receive and act upon it. Someone might read this devotional and say “all this is religious hype”.  Obviously they do not believe it, and it certainly will not work for them. Faith is the key to access grace. It will not make sense when you look around in your life. Your faith in that grace will activate favor that will change the things you see. Start activating divine favor by believing it for your family, ministry, finances, and your work. What favor do you want to see in your family? He will not withhold anything good from you. Be bold in God. Dare to believe Him. You are a child of favor.

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