Struggling with Consistent Bible Reading? Discover the Key

My son, attend to my words; Incline thine ear unto my sayings. (Proverbs 4:20, KJV)

Many Christians struggle with consistently reading the Bible—they know they should and often want to, but they struggle in practice. Solving this problem has been challenging, but there is a way out.

Reading the Bible daily is a significant commitment, and until our reasons for doing so are unshakable, long-lasting success is unlikely. Worse still, we may do it out of obligation, finding it boring and a chore.

Wouldn’t it be strange for an adult to be coerced to eat by their mom as when they were a toddler? As adults, many know the consequences of not eating and rarely need external pressure. Sadly, though our inherent knowledge of the value of physical food is unquestionable, this knowledge does not translate to the Word of God, which is food for the human heart.

Here’s a bitter reality of life on earth: we place the greatest value on what directly impacts our well-being. Our values drive our priorities, and our perception of the usefulness, benefits, or impact of something determines its value.

So here’s the problem: many Christians struggle to see the relationship between reading the Bible and their daily problems—marital crises, anxiety, financial struggles, personal struggles, health challenges, etc. Simply preaching and urging Christians to read the Bible is not enough.

In my walk with God and my experience as a minister, I can tell you it takes the revelation of the Spirit to open a person’s heart to see what the Word of God really is—its true value, its real worth, the way God sees it. Once someone discovers the Word, they seek it as a hungry person looks for food. But when this value-driven hunger is missing, encouraging Christians to read the Bible will be an uphill task.

Here are two things you can do to position yourself for God to reveal His Word to you. First, ask Him to do so—simple but powerful. Second, take the first steps and prayerfully read His Word voraciously (Proverbs 2:3-5).

May the Lord open our eyes to see wondrous things out of His Word( Psalms 119:18).


What is your genuine attitude towards the Bible? It speaks volumes regarding your thoughts and feelings about the Word of God.

Apply the Word

If you sincerely do not “see” how God’s Word is important in your life, more urgings to read the Bible won’t help. You need the Spirit to help you. Talk to Him and cry out for your eyes to be opened. Talk to Him and cry out for your eyes to be opened so you can see God’s Word for what it really is—your life!


Ask the Spirit of the Lord to give you a fresh revelation of the value of His Word in your life.

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