Seeing God through the mirror
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known (1 Cor. 13:12 ESV)
The Apostle Paul says in the text above that we are seeing God, that is knowing Him, “in a mirror dimly.” The mirror is used figuratively as a means through which God reveals Himself to us. The divine revelation to us in the scriptures is complete, but there is a limitation as to how much of God can be revealed through written words and understood by the natural human mind.
When Jesus returns, the scripture above also says we shall know Him as fully as He knows us. How wonderful will that be! The mirror indicates that God is revealing Himself to us indirectly today. However, the day is coming when He will reveal Himself to us directly, and not through scriptures or prophetic visions and revelations. We will see Him “face to face” as 1 Cor. 13:12 above reveals to us.
Until that day comes, the mirror remains our major window into the realm of the Spirit to see Him. That mirror is the Word revealed to us in the scriptures. The Bible is a revelation of God through the Person of Jesus Christ. When you look into the mirror of the Word, you will see God in it! When you see God, your life becomes transformed, and you move from one level of glory to another!
What is the meaning of the word “see” in the verse above?( See part b of the same verse). Declare that “I am increasing in the knowledge of God each day and seeing God more and more clearly!”.
Each time you receive a revelation of the Word, God is revealed to you! Keep looking in the mirror of God. As you do, do not just see God but see yourself in Christ!
Ask the Father to open your eyes to see more glorious things out of His Word for your life.
Recommended Read: Move from hearing to seeing God
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