So shall my Word be

 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it (Isa. 55:11 KJV)

So shall my Word be images showing rain falling on grass

The Lord compares His Word in Isa. 55 to rain or snow that falls on farmland and causes it to be productive, generating crops that yield a harvest. Rain has a remarkable effect on cropland that can be the deciding factor for the crops that are planted on it. The Lord says that is what His Word is to the land of your life!

When He Word goes forth, it certainly accomplishes the purpose for which it was sent and succeeds in whatever it had to perform. Did you notice the word “sent” in the verse above? God sends His Word. Ps. 107:20 tells us that He sent His Word to heal and deliver the Israelites from their trouble. Jesus is the Word of God sent to save humanity! The individual words that God speaks as well as the Word incarnate carry the same life and power. What Jesus did when He was on the earth, the words that the Lord speaks will do the same!

God sends His Word by speaking. In Genesis 1, He sent His Word to create as He was speaking to the chaos. The Bible is God’s Word sent to make you a victor in life! This devotional is the Word of God being sent to you. His Word is the rain that makes the land of your life fruitful.


Has the Lord sent a Word to you in any area of your life? Declare that “The Word has gone forth out of the mouth of the Lord to save, deliver, heal and prosper me and it is accomplishing the purpose for which it was sent!”


How far can you depend on the Word? Would you believe and hold on to the Word to see it produce the intended results? Learn to hold firmly to the Word God speaks to you.


Thank the Lord for sending His Word as the rain from heaven to you.

Recommended Read: My Words are Spirit

Foundational Read: What is a Daily Devotional?

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