The Hidden Power of Jesus’ Blood—Why It Had to Be Shed

And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. (Hebrews 9:22, KJV)

Do you think we would have been saved if Jesus had been born, grown old, and died from old age or disease? That would still be death, right? Certainly not! This immediately tells us that, although death is death, not all death is the same. Christ had to die, but He had to die in a particular way for His death to destroy death and bring eternal life to sinners. Let’s unravel the mystery behind the shedding of the blood of Christ.

The greatest enemy of humanity is not Satan. There is something bigger than Satan and demons, and that is death—a spiritual power. Death entered the world through sin and is responsible for all pain, suffering, and tears in human history (Romans 5:12). The only way to destroy death was through the death of a sinless person. This is why it was impossible for human beings to save themselves.

But Jesus had to die not only as a sinless person so that His blood could wash away our sins, but also as a sinner so that we could benefit from His work. But that is not all—He had to die by the shedding of His blood. This was not a mere passing away; it was a violent, sacrificial death. Here are three critical truths hidden in the word “shed”:

  1. Christ’s death was artificially inflicted. He had to be murdered—killed as a sinner, though He was sinless (Isaiah 53:5).
  2. Shedding of blood implies suffering—divine judgment against sin. His death was not painless; He endured the wrath of God for us (2 Corinthians 5:21).
  3. Shedding of blood implies His life was a sacrifice being offered. Like the Old Testament sacrifices, His blood was presented as an atonement (Leviticus 17:11).

Jesus did not merely die; His blood was shed. And because of that blood, our sins are forgiven, we are washed from the stains of sin, and Satan’s power—death—has been completely destroyed! Think about this for a moment: the power responsible for disease, affliction, suffering, and separation from God is death. And when the blood of Christ was shed, that power was abolished (2 Timothy 1:10). What does this mean for you? You have passed from death to life. Eternal life is yours—now and forever!


What are the three implications of the shedding of Christ’s blood mentioned above? How do they deepen your understanding of salvation?

Act on the Word

His blood has been shed. His blood has been sprinkled. As you understand, believe, and act on this truth, that blood flows, and no power in hell can withstand it. So apply the blood! Declare its power over your life today.


Thank You, Jesus, for dying on the cross and shedding Your blood for me. I receive the power of Your blood in my life today. Amen.

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