Shall we have a body in heaven?
It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body (1 Corinthians 15:44, KJV)

What do you think we will look like in heaven when Jesus returns? Are we going to be “spirits” like the angels who are incorporeal( without a body), or we shall still have a human body?
The Apostle Paul answers these questions for us in 1 Cor. 15:44 above. He says there is a natural body and a spiritual body. He adds that when the natural body dies and becomes earth, at the resurrection, the believer will be raised with another body, which is called the spiritual body. When Jesus returns, the power of the Spirit will move and resurrect the believers with a human body that is different from the natural body that died.
What is this spiritual body? Is it spirit that is immaterial and not physical? Certainly not! It will be a physical, material body. The difference is that the natural body we have now came from the dust, but that body will be made from heaven!! It will be material and physical but made of heavenly materiality. It is a body that cannot be tired, weak, old or sick. It is a body that is able to express the Spirit of God without any limitations!
I know it might be hard to figure out now what this body will be. Let me help you a bit…. Look at Jesus after the resurrection. He had a body, the same spiritual body we will have! He resurrected more than 2000 years ago, that body is still there. It does not get old. The body walked through walls. He even appeared and disappeared with a body! When the disciples saw Him, they thought He was a spirit or ghost, that is, an immaterial being. He gave this astonishing and insightful answer :
“Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have” (Luke 24:39, KJV)
He told them He was not a spirit. You will not be a spirit at the resurrection. You will be raised with a spiritual body. You will glow with the glory of God like Jesus when John saw Him in Rev. 1:13-16. The glory that lies ahead of us cannot be compared with the many troubles and headaches we are going through now. Keep your eyes on the glory to come!
Shall you be incorporeal( bodiless) in heaven when Jesus comes and takes us home? Is God’s ultimate plan to get rid of our bodies?
There is a spiritual body, and that body will only be at the resurrection. Faith cannot have it now, but we have to wait in hope for it. Do not grow weary because the glory that is coming is beyond the conception of our natural minds!
Bless the Lord for the blessed hope that is laid in heaven for us.
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