Divine Medication for Your Body
“A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.” (Prov. 17:22 NAS.)
Joy in your heart is God’s medication to heal your body and keep it in health. Before you start wondering if I am “going nuts,” I am a practicing physician and I deal with patients every day. I believe in the power of modern medicine, and I see its results as well as its weaknesses and limitations. Medical science is simply using the natural powers in the physical universe to bring about healing of the human body. It has had tremendous success, but also has gross limitations. There is a world behind the physical universe observed in the scope of science.
Man’s greatest ignorance is the ignorance of his spirit. There is much more to man than just his mind and body. There is a spirit in man. Science will have a hard time with this, because the spirit is not within the scope of the laws that govern the physical universe. The worst assumption of science is that everything is within its scope.
When God talks about joy in the heart producing healing in the body, it does not make sense to the principles of medical science – yet it is the operation of the Holy Spirit in the spirit of man that has an impact on the human body. A joyful heart is God’s medication for your body. His Word is the seed of joy that drops into your spirit (Prov. 4:20-22.) As you feed on the Word constantly, you are flooding your heart with joy and setting your body up for healing, health, and vitality.
What implications can you deduce from the verse above? If joy is medicine, what would sorrow, depression, and bitterness in the heart be?
Would you accept and take God’s medication today? It is free! If you are sick, start by feeding your spirit with joy and begin to rejoice constantly in the Lord!
Thank the Lord for the blessing of joy that you have as a believer.
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